Friday, April 24, 2009

'Joe The Plumber'(After Dark) crashes San Diego Tea Party

Who said ignorance and politics don't mix?:

After the sun sets, "Joe The Plumber" tells the truth... and on April 15, 2009, he confronted Tea Party Protesters in San Diego.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the report-

The Young Swell said...

It is becoming increasingly more evident that the sociologist with the most accurate bead on where our society is headed will soon turn out to be Mike Judge, for his speculative work in "Idiocracy."

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

Good for you, JTPAD... Insightful and funny. You asked some to "Define socialism" and you never got an answer that even remotely reflected socialism from any of them.

The guy that challenged you to an intellectual debate was very funny. You had him and he just kept opening his mouth proving that a debate was actually unnecessary.

Nice work.
